Hanneke Klep

Aberdeen, Scotland

Hanneke holds a degree in Dutch Linguistics from the University of Groningen where she also completed an upper secondary teaching qualification. She worked as an IB teacher and year tutor at the International School in Haren (Groningen) until moving to the UK in 1996. She then worked as an IB Dutch A teacher at the American Community School in Cobham and later as teacher of Dutch in Aberdeen. Hanneke worked as principal examiner for Cambridge International Assessments from 1996 until 2020. She helps students in their preparation for the Leuven CNaVT exam as well as for the NT2 staatsexamen.

Hanneke is a teacher.

Other teachers

We want to understand each student individually. Our senior teachers have ample experience with international education and life abroad.

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Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Betty Barèl

The Hague, The Netherlands

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Ons aanbod

Intensieve en persoonlijke begeleiding bij afstandsonderwijs voor Nederlandstalige IB-leerlingen

16-19 years
From € 3.550,- per academic year
The IBDP-programs are fully in line with the curriculum and final attainment levels set by the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization). There are weekly Videocalls, one on one, with a designated tutor. The teaching materials are challenging, efficient and goal oriented.
11-16 years
€ 2.800,- per academic year
The pre-IBDP program focuses on the philosophy of international education, in particular on IBMYP. The main objective is that students feel secure and confident in their command of the Dutch language, and that they develop their imagination by reading and analysing literary texts.
This program also fits students who do not visit an IB-school.
€ 80,- per hour
IBID is available for feedback and support beyond our tutoring programs. This may be for students as well as for teachers and educational institutions who need help with IB Dutch related questions.